Ergonomics is the science and art of fitting the job to the worker

EKG is a leader in this field and offers a complete package of ergonomic products, services and training for our client partners

We have helped companies prevent injuries and create a more productive work environment across all work sectors including manufacturing, automotive, food, government agencies, and more. Professionally trained consultants with extensive knowledge and experience deliver services and training – up to and including our Certified Ergonomic Specialist (CES) designation program – based on the latest scientifically accepted methods, information and tools available. Proactive and reactive ergonomic actions can be conducted that collect qualitative and quantitative information about the ergonomic risks of the work situation. From this information strategies for reducing the risk of injury to workers can be developed and implemented.

EKG Ergonomic Services include:

  • Workstation analysis, design and set up
  • Physical Demands Assessment/Descriptions
  • Job Rotation Assessments
  • Metabolic Expenditure Assessments
  • Professional Development Training (including the CES designation program)
  • Ergonomic Program development
  • Ergonomic Committee development and Coaching
  • Pre-screening interview/testing
  • Employee Awareness Training (office, manual material handling, RSI, general)
  • Ergonomic Assessments at all levels
  • Return to work placement
Ergonomics Computer Station

CERTIFICATION - Certified Ergonomic Specialist (CES) Designation

We help you to focus on absences and on preventing the risks that cause these deficiencies.